5 Reasons Pet Owners Need “Microchip”
Each country and region has its own way of detecting wild animals roaming the region and providing animal welfare. Some use manuals from public reports or by looking at high rates of disease originating from certain animals. Generally, wild animals that do not get optimal care tend to have health problems against various diseases. Especially if the region is high on diseases caused by animals, such as rabies, Bartonella infection, Giardia, to Toxoplasmosis and other diseases.
Unlike pets treated at home, most owners who care about health tend to provide protection for pets and family members. Cats or dogs that are cared for require the commitment of their owners who don’t merely provide quality food. Indirectly, many benefits will be obtained by individuals who care for animals, such as positive emotional ties, discipline and learning to socialize with other creatures.
For those who have long cared for cats and dogs, most of them already consider them like family. When they are sick they are taken to the vet for healing or when lost trying to find them again. This emotional bond of caring for pets makes their owners look after them and often uses microchip technology as an identity for animals.
Microchips and Pets
Pet owners or lovers may still be partially confused with microchips. A microchip is a small tool that has an identity like a KTP for humans. Generally, the installation of a microchip is done by a veterinarian or an authorized institution as basic information about the animal concerned.
Your cat and dog, when lost (run away) from the house and found on the road, will be taken to a shelter or animal hospital. They will be scanned to see information about the possible identity of the owner, making it easier for them to be found again.
While microchips are important to provide identification for pets, there are some things you need to know.
- The chance of the owner to find the lost animal is greater. However, no guarantee is found after the identity is installed.
- The process of installing the microchip itself to the animal is not long, it is estimated to be less than 5 minutes.
- If you are worried about the attachment of the identity causing pain to the animal, consult a veterinarian for anesthesia, when their consciousness does not feel any pain.
- The price is affordable. There is an assumption that the cost of installing a microchip seems expensive, this is not entirely true. Microchip installation costs less than 500 thousand. Even in certain periods, related agencies often provide free services to animals as a socialization of the application of microchips or discounts for promos.
- Microchip installation is not only useful for pets when running away from home. When your cat or dog is stolen, it can be used as proof of ownership.
Microchipping is a sign that you love your pets
Giving an identity to an animal can be said to be a form of affection for its owner to a pet. The use of microchips for pets does not have a negative impact on their health. Although not giving additional animals longer life, some of the excess identity for cats and dogs can give them a faster time to find them.
Microchips in animals are not the same as GPS installed on vehicles from which you could know its whereabouts when lost. Much like machines, you would want to take care of it by providing Service Gearbox. In the case of pets, we would like to give them proper care. When they get lost and then found, the microchip on your pets can provide ownership information such as telephone numbers, addresses, and others that can be used to return your lost cats and dogs.