Virtual reality was predicted to become great and it has. Whether it is utilized for work or for entertainment, the applications wherein virtual reality could be applied are so extensive that they could affect and influence just about all aspects of a person’s life.

Virtual Reality For Animals

To make a VR device and experience possible, graphic cards for VR is one of the main and needed workings, one that is able to provide and handle the demanding procedures of rendering scenes and environment for virtual reality. As there are leading manufacturers in the VR market, VR is also now used on animals for research purposes.

For instance, a number of VR devices are place on cows at the RusMoloko dairy farm close to Moscow. They said that these VR headsets allow cows to relax, presenting them scenery of green pastures in beautifully lot by the summer sun enabling these cows to yield more milk.

Could Virtual Reality Help Cows Produce More And Better Milk Quality?

The VR headsets were cleverly and carefully developed by bringing together years of knowledge and familiarity in the industry of dairy farming and technology, and were designed by developers in a VR workshop together with veterinarians to consider the physical features of the heads of the cows. VR scenes that are used on the vision of cows incorporate higher acuity of the color red with lesser tones of green and blue.

Researchers and experts likewise delved into the emotional state these animals and discovered that they produce a better quality of milk when they are in calm and relaxing environments.

Technology, like the rotating brushes installed in cow stalls used for massaging cows, as well as robotic systems that allow the cows to freely and broadly wander around more or even by merely playing on loudspeakers classical music are all applied techniques and methods to soothe and calm the cows.

Visual stimulation might be favorable and advantageous to certain animal species, however most studies generally relates to primates. Horses in stables appear to gain from an environment with the sight of other horses as well as an open window. However, there real world odors, sounds, breeze as well as changes in temperature make it a much better and powerful sensory experience for animals compared to what VR could offer.